The agricultural industry in Saudi Arabia

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Agriculture holds a pivotal role as one of the most vital and productive sectors supporting the economy. Hence, governments and nations prioritise this sector, investing in diverse agricultural projects, extending support and loans to private initiatives. The primary goal is to attain self-sufficiency and subsequently promote export operations for economic gains. This emphasis underscores the significance of agriculture.

Saudi Arabia aims to elevate the agricultural sector as a vital component. Through this initiative, the objective is to attain food security and self-sufficiency, catering to the demand for agricultural produce among Saudis. Additionally, it aims to meet the raw material requirements of diverse Saudi factories engaged in the food industry. The agricultural sector in Saudi Arabia is acknowledged as one of the foremost contributors to the national economy, solidifying its position as a crucial pillar in the overarching Vision 2030 strategy.

In recent years, there has been a concerted effort to advance agricultural investment in various regions. This involves supporting diverse agricultural research initiatives and establishing specialized centers in several cities. The goal is to enhance scientific research in the field and bolster future endeavors to leverage environmentally friendly technologies, particularly those addressing risks associated with water security. Efforts include the application of contemporary hydroponic farming techniques to curtail arbitrary water consumption. Moreover, support is extended to modern agricultural methods aimed at utilising desert spaces.

Saudi Arabia holds the distinction of being the largest producer and exporter in the agricultural market among the Gulf Cooperation Council countries. Notably, it stands out for the diversity of its agricultural crops, encompassing a variety of fruits and vegetables. The country is globally recognised as a significant player in the cultivation and export of dates, ranking second in this regard. This achievement is attributed to the substantial support that Saudi Arabia has recently provided to the agricultural sector, resulting in a notable increase in the percentage of cultivated areas compared to previous levels.

Saudi Arabia's backing of agriculture aligns with its recognition of it as a crucial contributor to national income, in harmony with plans aimed at diversifying economic sources and diminishing reliance on oil. In pursuit of this objective, specialized agricultural research centers have been established, and efforts have been made to expand investments in the sector. Agriculture stands out as one of the most vital, sought-after, and stable fields in this strategic economic diversification initiative.