Modern construction techniques in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has begun the modernisation process of its construction and has invested heavily in advanced technologies resulting in a higher quality of new builds. By investing in cutting edge technology money will be saved in the long term, and new buildings will be much more environmentally friendly and completed in a much more timely manner.

There are a variety of ways in which the construction process has been modernised which includes using prefabricated concrete units - these units are pre-prepared in the factory - meaning a quicker completion of the building once they are delivered to the construction site. These units are immeasurably valuable and are a key component of each aspect of buildings from the floors, to the ceilings, to the foundations and walls. Other components include lightweight steel structures, which are made of thin sheets, and can be created without the use of heat. These structures are rust resistant and despite being lightweight ensure greater support and durability for the building. 

Building bricks or wall panels can be made from insulated concrete units which are made of high-density polystyrene boards. These panels can be used in several layers using plastic or steel connectors.

Lightweight aerated concrete is made of fine aggregate, cement and material that contains air bubbles. It can be used to create different things such as building bricks, small panels and both reinforced and non-reinforced panels and thresholds. The product is easily cut and installed and can be used across all different types of buildings.

The modernisation of construction in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been implemented across the different stages of construction, starting at its inception by using 3D printing. 3D printing ensures the correct amount of material is used resulting in 60% less waste and significant cost reduction as there is no waste due to how precise the measuring is and no storage cost for excess materials. This technology ensures rapid completion and can be used from creating the foundation to creating the walls and brick moulds.

Prefabricated building materials rely on assembling components necessary for construction away from the building site in order to save time and reduce costs. Doors, windows, walls, stairs, floor panels and roof support and occasionally entire buildings can all be pre fabricated away from the site.

Recently, remote robotic technologies that can be controlled directly, or remotely, have been used. They contribute to the manufacturing of equipment and machines that are used in the construction process. They can be used to create materials and also to inspect the quality of materials and work on the site.